Tiasha Tabassum: To control the COVID-19 Saskatchewan government has declared to stop alcohol sales for the time being. Earlier they were requested by the community leaders of a northern community in this regard. For better social distancing at all levels, their request was granted by the government.
It is dangerous to leave home in this situation. Acknowledging the best of the community the councillors requested to shut down liquor stores. It will keep people away from social gatherings and prevent them from leaving home. However, the request was granted after a discussion with the community and indigenous leaders. The closing down proceeded after they were all agreed to the decision to save lives.
The government has assured to support La Loche to control the pandemic. The Ministry of Health and Saskatchewan Health authority will also help people who might suffer due to sudden alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol addiction program support will be offered as well.
The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority retail store and private off-sale in La Loche will remain suspended for two weeks, started already.