Engr. Siraj Iqbal (Toronto) March 12, 2020
Corona Virus…! O…! Corona Virus…!
You’re scaring us …more than you did harm to us…!!
Your style of spreading …is similar to others…!
Ebola, Bird flu, Saars, you name it, of previous…!!
Corona Virus…! O…! Corona Virus…!
You originated from China: Obvious…!!
But were you formulated of fabricated somewhere else…?
Are you deadly…? Deadlier…Or Deadliest of all Virus…?
Corona Virus…! O…! Corona Virus…!
Apart from China…You’re now all over us…!!
Iran, Italy, Asia, Australia, USA, Canada…!
Invading with deadly Virus, where are you not…?
Corona Virus…! O…! Corona Virus…!
Whether You’re called COVID-19 or any other…!!
Sweet name…! You’re a media partner…! No Vaccine, No medication …so far…!!
Corona Virus…! O…! Corona Virus…!
You go away from us…!!
Whether it is man-made or God created…!
Your devastation on Travel, Economy is tremendous…!!
O…! God…! Give us relief from this Corona Virus…!
Or any Virus and disease, take care of us…!!
Your humble servant of peace…!
Keep us steadfast on You & straight path…!!