Source The approval of two vaccines for COVID-19 has given many Canadians hope that the end of the pandemic is in sight. In order to get this pandemic under control, we still have a way,”We still have a ways to go to get this pandemic under control,” “Being a runner myself, you have heard me compare the CO VID-19 pandemic to a marathon. Right now, we are at a critical point in the race,” Gallant says. “Now is the time to strengthen our resolve, regroup and make sure that we have the stamina to keep our pace”
It may take up to 14 days for it to begin to be effective after receiving the vaccine. They may still develop symptoms in 5-6 percent of individuals who are fully vaccinated. The risk of contracting all strains of the virus causing COVID-19 is currently reduced by public health measures. To protect Canadians, especially the most vulnerable, we need to do everything we can, says Dr. Rick McGahey.