Sinthia Hoque:-. Donwood Park Public School has been shut down until further notice, due to a COVID-19 outbreak which affects six people, including four who have tested positive for a variant of concern.
On Monday evening, Toronto Public Health had recommended the dismissal of staff and students at the public school, in order to stop the spread of the virus and variant in question.
“Dismissing the school is a precautionary measure to allow TPH to complete an investigation while protecting the school and community and prevent further virus spread”, Toronto Public Health mentions in a news release.
Students and staff were informed about the dismissal by TDSB, earlier on Monday.
“As they continue their investigation they advice that it’s best to dismiss all staff and students effective tomorrow, really until further notice”, said Ryan Bird, a TDSB spokesperson to CP24 Monday night. “Typically that closure would last about 14 days depending on the self-isolation, but we’ll obviously let parents know once we have an official return date”.
According to Bird, it’s not clear yet which variant or variants are involved in the outbreak, but it is believed by TPH that four of the cases are likely to be a result of community spread.
The health unit has followed up with close contacts of those part of the outbreak and recommended that the entire school and family members of the school community to be tested for COVID-19.
Donwood Park Public School’s temporary closure is believed to be the first TDSB school that has been closed due to an outbreak in which variants of concern are involved. The school will be closed until further notice, tweeted TDSB.