Diganta Paul:“Why do you wear heels”? – I asked her.
She replied with a smile – “Your eyes are the answer”.
Let us divide the length of a woman’s leg by that of her torso (trunk of the body without head and limbs considered) and we will get her Leg-to-Torso ratio. While she stands in heels, we will see her feet to be partially parallel to the floor to increase the effective value of her Leg-to-Torso ratio and also to uplift the Centre of Gravity (a point from which the weight of a body or system may be considered to act) of her whole body above the floor. Thus heels not only make her legs look longer but also compel her body to strive for stability while she stands or walks. Both of these factors weave an aura of attractiveness surrounding her as perceived by the observer’s brain……. but how? Let me explain.
Raised Centre of Gravity of the body above the floor gives a woman’s body an extra Gravitational Potential Energy while standing or walking (because Gravitational Potential Energy is equal to the product of her body-weight and the height at which her body’s Centre of Gravity is above the floor). We know that every Mechanical System seeks more stability or balance by minimizing its own Gravitational Potential Energy under the influence of gravity. Her body is not an exception. So her body tries to dissipate the extra Gravitational Potential Energy in different ways while she stands or walks in heels. Let us take a closer look into those ways:
I. Her body tries to form an arch by creating an Acute angle (the range of an acute angle is between 0 and 90 degrees) between its back and bottom to transform a part of the extra Gravitational Potential Energy to Elastic Potential Energy (Potential energy due to a system’s shape is called its Elastic Potential Energy) to lower its overall Gravitational Potential Energy.
II. It is really hard for legs in heels to walk lazily. Heels encourage the body to take more steps per minute to convert an ample portion of the extra Gravitational Potential Energy into the legs’ Motion Energy.
III. When a woman wears heels, she tends to walk with her shoulders back and chest out. This posture provokes some portion of the Gravitational Potential Energy of her body to get converted to the Oscillation Energy of her breasts.
IV. The extra Rotation of her Pelvis (Pelvis is the large bony frame near the base of the spine to which the legs are attached) and Vertical Oscillation of the hip also come at the expense of that extra Gravitational Potential Energy of her body.
Moreover, heels lessen a woman’s Drift Speed (the speed at which she moves forwards) or Drift Kinetic Energy by reducing the length of her step.
Now think of the parameters – less Drift Speed, short step, many steps per minute, back arch, jiggles of the breast, much pelvic rotation and hip-oscillation – these are naturally feminine aspects of posture and movement because we can observe those aspects more in women than men irrespective of women are barefoot or in heels or in flat shoes. Heels actually enhance those feminine aspects along with Leg-to-Torso ratio which collectively stimulates some nerve cells or neurons of the frontal and middle parts of an observer’s brain rhythmically (Nature really plays piano in our brain when we see her coming) at around 5 Hertz frequency (this rhythmic stimulation or activation of neurons is called “Cortical Theta Brain-wave”) and also some neurons of the rear part of the brain at 8 – 13.9 Hertz frequency (Alpha Brain-wave).
Have you heard of “Happy Neurotransmitters”? “Endorphins”, “Dopamine”, “Serotonin” and “Oxytocin” chemicals of our brain are called “Happy Neurotransmitters” because they are responsible for our feel-good factor. As you see her walking by in heels; those neurons of the frontal, middle and rear parts of your brain start to talk to one another in a rhythm – they do not have a voice, they use “Endorphins” and “Dopamine”. This is how you find her more attractive in heels.