Shomporko Desk:-Bangladesh Centre and Community Services (BCCS) Is a nonprofit, charitable organization that helps newcomers and long-term residents to integrate into Canadian society through knowledge, skills and other support. BCCS is run entirely by volunteers and community partners, with financial support from our donor and government grants for special programs. We pride ourselves in: Responding to the needs of our community, promoting independence and dignity. Participate in community activities, operate efficiently, honestly and openly. Provide a voice to the South Asian Community in Toronto.
Established in March 2010, we have emerged as a strong and stable community organization with a focus on providing services to the South Asian communities as well as larger communities living in Toronto. Our main goal is to assist the newcomer community and connect them with Canadian culture through the enhancement of their knowledge and skills.
BCCS provides dynamic leadership in enhancing our members and the greater community while advancing South Asian culture and understanding. We played a key role in working with our elected officials to have the Bangladesh flag raised at Queens Park by the Ontario Legislature for the first time in history! BCCS has undertaken a wide array of services and programs including; English conversation circles, Senior’s Meet & Greet groups, Computer & Mobile Technology classes, Financial Literacy workshops, Sewing lessons, Elder Abuse Awareness program, Yoga/Meditation sessions, Health and Wellness workshops, intergenerational activities, and Board Governance training among many others. In addition to our extensive programs, BCCS organizes events and activities observing days of significance to our community such as International Mother Language Day, Canada Day, Bangladeshi Independence Day, Victory Day, and Heritage month celebrations through “Pitha Utshob”. BCCS believes in building communities through partnerships and collaboration. We strive to develop sustainable services and programs for the growing needs of our members and those that we can impact the community. Alongside our current programming, our goals for the coming year include developing initiatives centred around youth, women, and mental health.

Initiatives and activities of BCCS during COViD-19
In order to address the emerging needs (necessities of life and reduce social isolation) of the vulnerable people in the community, BCCS has taken the following activities:
a) Virtual Meditation and Yoga weekly
b) Virtual Group Chat for social connection and referral services
c) Providing Supplies of Essential Items such as cleaning materials, non-prescription medications and diapers for kids
d) Grocery Cards

a) Weekly (Tuesdays) virtual Therapeutic Dance program for seniors by famous instructor Munni Subhani.
b) Delivery of Grocery hampers to 100 vulnerable seniors who do not have access to go to the grocery stores for a variety of reasons.
c) A friendly phone calls to seniors who cannot access to virtual programs to offer them mental support.

d) Provide a care package to the seniors who are isolated. The care packages will help them to be engaged at home and stimulate brain work.
Free Food delivery BCCS has been delivering 40 halal meals to seniors including international students.
This is a partnership opportunity with Wardenwoods Community Centre. ADDITIONALLY, Assisting community people in EI and CERB applications. Providing wellness checks to existing clients.